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Epipen Adren Junior

Epipen Adren Junior

Regular price $89.99
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 EpiPen Juinor is only to be used for the immediate emergency treatment of a severe allergic reaction (also known as ANAPHYLAXIS) in children.

This medicine is for emergency only and you should seek immediate medical attention after using your Auto-Injector. Adrenaline also known as epinephrine is a natural hormone released in response to stress. In acute allergic reactions it improves blood pressure, heart function and breathing, and reduces swelling.

Epipen junior is used for the emergency treatment of serious allergic reactions or anaphylaxis caused by peanuts or other foods, drugs, insect bites or stings and other allergens as well as exercise or an unknown cause.


EpiPen Jr. delivers one x 0.3 mL dose of adrenaline (epinephrine). This EpiPen® Jr. dose provides 150 µg of adrenaline (epinephrine).

The EpiPen® Jr. Auto-Injector holds 2 mL of adrenaline (epinephrine) 1:2,000 solution.

The injection also contains small amounts of

  • sodium chloride
  • sodium metabisulfite
  • hydrochloric acid.

It does not contain lactose, sucrose, gluten, tartrazine or any other azo dyes.

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