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Optive Lubricant Eye Drop 15M

Optive Lubricant Eye Drop 15M

Regular price $5.99
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Many things can make your eyes feel dry, gritty, or uncomfortable: air conditioning, heating, computer use, reading, some medication, wind or a reduction of tears your body produces - tears that help lubricate and nourish your eyes. OPTIVE® Lubricant Eye Drops advances dry eye relief by providing a dual-action formula that moisturises the surface of your eye while also hydrating the areas where dry-eye starts, giving your eyes long-lasting moisturising protection.


For the temporary relief of burning, irritation, and discomfort due to dryness of the eye or exposure to wind or sun. May be used as a protectant against further irritation.

Carmellose Sodium 5mg/mL.

Glycerin 9mg/mL.

Moisturising dry eye solution.




Usage Advice

Instil 1 or 2 drops in the affected eye(s) as needed.

Important Information

Use only if imprinted seal around cap is intact. Discard 3 months after opening.
If solution changes colour or becomes cloudy, do not use.


For external use only.
To avoid contamination, do not touch tip of container to any surface. Replace cap after use.
If you experience eye pain, vision change, continued redness, eye irritation, or if the condition worsens or persists for more than 72 hours, discontinue use and consult a doctor.
Keep out of reach of children.


Each mL contains: 5 mg Carmellose Sodium, 9 mg Glycerin, 0.1 mg PURITE® (Preservative).

Product Packaging


Product Packaging Dimensions

Height: 90mm, Width: 45mm, Depth: 30mm, Weight: 30g



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